
September 24, 2008

Vets and bugs, gross!

This is pretty random but I am a little freaked out by this! After pouring a delicious bowl of Purina One natural dog food for lil Twigs, I realized there was a hole in the bottom of the bag and some crumblets fell out of me. Shrug, no big deal. Wait, are there bugs at the bottom of the pantry? Hmm, they are all dead. I better check the food anyways. As I scruffled open the bag and peered inside I saw nothing but dog food but just to make sure "My Precious" was safe I poured the entire bag into a Walmart bag so I could further examine the contents. SICK! THE FOOD IS MOVING! Little buggies were all over the bottom of the bag and moving the kiblets around. Dumpster and Petsmart run! (No dogs were harmed in the writing of this story)

I've had 2 interviews this week with veterinary offices. The first one was a long and silly interview process which involved an application (weakness, strength, goals blah blah), reading the hand book, a short quiz and an interview in which the self proclaimed 'analytical and OCD' doctor informed me that "If hired, we would have to work on my spelling" Turns out I misspelled 2 words, mind you I was reading and writing for 1:15 minutes. My bad, didn't know that it was a crime to make mistakes. I noticed some other shenanigans (yes, I spell check that) and decided I didn't really want to work there.

Today I interviewed with an Emergency Animal Hospital, they are super flexible with schedules and I can work from 6pm-12am which would keep Nate and I on the same schedule! I'm going on a working interview Monday the 29th. Wow, the 29th marks Nate and I's 9th month of marriage....where does time go? Surely it moved a lot slower when we were apart. I'm also looking into an afterschool progeam called PEAK enrichment-basically you teach fun classes (dance, bugs, lego building) 2 hours a day and a few friends from church are thinking about doing it too.

Please pray for my job search this week, that God would give me clear direction as to where He wants me and I would find a job that I enjoy. Pray for Nate's job also. Although he is not in danger of losing his position, other people are being let go as the project gets closer to being completed and it's creating some jealousy and gossip. If you know Nate, it doesn't bother him which I am thankful for but I still think prayer is order here.

Only about 2.5 months til we visit for Christmas!


Caroline said...

I'll definitely be praying for your interviews! God has the perfect job out there for you, I just know it :) I miss you, my friend!

Malia said...

Did you call Purena about the food? Or do you think it happened at the grocery store? Either way...NASTY (insert impression of Wayne)!

Fun Fact:
Today at church during prayer we, the band, got up to play the closing song and RIGHT as the pastor said in this moment of complete silence...i nicked a string and made noise...DANG IT ALL!

Caroline said...

I hope you are having a good day! By the way.. you've been tagged! (Check my blog!)