8 month pictures are here
We are on the go with the little man these days. He likes to wiggle and go and DO. He always has something in his hands or in his mouth. Gross! I hate finding him with something in his mouth that I know I didn't give him. 1. I have no clue what it is and I have to go get it 2. It is a battle to get it out (especially without jabbing his little mouth) I've already found paper, a bead that I have never seen in the house (that one scared me), string, carpet, dog food and THREE different bugs. Maybe this means he will run a pest control company. Nate says when he gets old enough, he can find the bugs and take them to the chickens. I guess, at least they were dead.
See and Say - watch his foot
I promise I do actually watch him! He is army crawling every where. I had to get him new shoes because he made a blister on his big toe joint from pushing off that one foot only. He does get up onto his hands and knees but just to hang out
Silas is starting to demand things when he sees them - like if we are eating something he wants or today he wanted a toy someone was holding. He just yells at it - AHHH! I feel bad cause he doesn't have any other way to tell us what he wants and at the same time we have started disciplining him a little for being so bossy. He'll catch on quick though :) Oh and he has also learned to pull himself onto his knees in the crib and a few other objects and then he bounces. Today he was on his belly and when I turned around he was sitting but I missed it twice LOL I even had the camera waiting and then a phone call distracted me!
The baby cave
We also found out that the little dude has eczema and so we've started treating it. It has already improved a TON with a little cotisone and Arbonne baby wash and lotion. When I was at the doctor, he told me that Silas should be eating more food so armed with that knowledge I started trying to feed him more. He has done really well and eats pretty much whatever we give him. He can pick up things and feed himself but it is more efficient when I feed him still. But he is getting really fast.
He went for his first swim and loved it (except when Nate accidently dipped his face in the water)
Nathan has really impressed me with his handy man skills. He has been working really hard to get this fence up and it is not easy when you are by yourself. I know it would take way less time with a helper. Thankfully a friend, Tim, offered to come help and they worked all day. Majority of the work is done now and may be finished tonight so our goats will officially have their permanent home right next door to the chickens. I'll some picture of it when it is done.
Digging holes for the poles
Poles in - THAT was a long and hard day for Nate.
Most of the fence up after Tim's help
Nate has also helped around the house some when the dishes are piling up to the ceiling and I don't know where to begin. If it weren't for him, I might have just thrown the dishes away hee hee hee Just kidding but I am so thankful that he listens (every once in a while LOL he will laugh at that) and rescues me. I am singing his praise right now because he is such a hard worker between work, teaching, house work, school and then he helps ME. Yes, he drives me crazy at times but I wouldn't have it any other way and I knew when I married him that he wasn't right ;)