
May 13, 2009

Who is baby Walters?!

21 week doctor visit:

I gained 8lbs this time which was more than they like to see in 1 month-about double. They aren't too concerned unless I keep gaining like that. For now it is just a growth spurt. However it is really hard to hear someone tell you watch your weight- no one wants to hear that! Hopefully I can just keep exercising and making good choices. Drum roll please dandnadnandnadnandnada

Ultrasound with helps:

BIG feet:

Face shot or what he would give us-his face was tucked into his 'pillow' (my uterus) except briefly he moved to give us this. Looks a little creepy on a still shot :)

May 11, 2009

I feel like this last month has been a crazy one for us. At the end of the day I often pause and think. "Wait, I'm not working full time and I was busy all day how?" When I really stopped to think about the answer, I realize that I have not been very wise with my time in the morning. Usually after 1:30pm I start teaching, make dinner and fly out the door for something at the church :) I've realized I can make much better use of my time in the mornings.
Nate cut his hair for summer. But not before we cut a mohawk- I'm probably going to get in trouble for this picture!

I bought a planner- I forget so much these days and I know it is sometimes brought on by pregnancy but I've had enough! I think Nate has too! LOL He just looks at me so concerned when I forget something that I wouldn't normally forget; like the way you look at an injured puppy! I've scheduled time with God (OH YEAH!), walks with Twiggy and I even used to write a grocery list....don't be jealous of my organizing skills ;) Today was day 1 and I did get everything done I've planned to do.

Wednesday is the day we find out who baby Walters is. Yes, we decided to find out the sex of the baby. With so many other unknowns, we wouldn't mind one solid fact. But if the baby doesn't cooperate it will not surprise me at all! By the feel of it, we will see a squiggling and squirming little human rolling around in there. They'll have to some how get it to stop moving to look at it. The baby moves ALL the time. It's been thumping along with me today and I can even feel it when I'm standing now. If you were here then you would be able to see it and feel it from the outside too.

I've pretty much moved into maternity pants or a few of my previous pants with a belly band (unbuttoned, unzipped with elastic to keep them up). Nate and I were just talking the other night about what we think the baby will look like. So fun! I don't think it will have curly hair but then again I did when I was born so who knows?! Well, God does and I guess I'm just looking forward to seeing His creativity in September.

We have decided to use a doula for the birth. A couple women from the church are going to be helping us to get prepared for the birth. Kim is a doula but not currently practicing because of her school schedule. She is going to teach us a birth class this summer along with a friend, Mandy. Mandy has had 2 natural births or her own and is a big supporter of natural childbirth and breastfeeding. Mandy is the one who will actually be there on the day of the birth to support both Nate and I and help us make decisions. Kim will stop by if her school schedule allows it. I feel so much more confident knowing the game plan! Knowing that Kim will be teaching us what we need to know and that Mandy will be there to support us is a relief plus both of these women are Christian women and will be able to remind me of God's promises in this time.

Reading stories form different women, I came across the idea of how the pain of labor and child birth are a reflection of Christ. Christ suffered an extreme amount of physical pain on the cross and although it was incredible painful for Him, the outcome was life, life for many in His case. I'm only responsible for giving physical life to one this time but as I anticipate the pain of the baby being born, I am really hoping to be able to focus on Christ through the birth. To know that Christ endured so much more than child birth so that I might have life will certainly be encouraging and after this experience I know I will have an even better understanding of what it took for Christ to experience the cross. Although, thankfully I will never have to feel the pain of paying for sin. I know that I will also gain new understanding of what it was like for God to sacrifice His son. Although, I'm not looking forward to the pain, I am looking ahead to see my understanding increase.
The latest pictures are of 20 weeks pregnant. I'm probably switching to this shirt now because it is hot out and this one is longer. These were taken a day apart but my hair looks SO different-that's the difference in about to go to sleep and starting the day :)

Nate finished his application for seminary last week and it is all sent in. We could hear back as soon as this week and up to about a month from now. Thank you for continuing to pray for us through out this process. Nate and I have also joined in as leaders of the college group here. I love college 'kids' so this is hopefully going to be a great summer :) Nate taught Sunday school for them for the first time and it was so fun to watch him talk to the college kids. I love being able to watch him make jokes with them, include hem in his talk and help them apply the Bible to their loves. I really hope to be able to get to know and serve the girls this summer. I know I will have free time since I won't be working so I'm looking forward to maybe planning a weekly hang time with the girls- now I just have to remember to be girlie! The thought of a manicure party normally makes me cringe but not as hard as girls screaming when they see a cute celebrity boy (gag) fortunately I am so eager to just spend time with the girls that I don't care if that means nail polish galore and these girls will not likely be screaming in high pitch squeals. I think junior high boys can still scream higher and louder than any girl but that's another topic ;)

She is still the cutest lil thing ever. We get to take her with us to a couple places and she loves it...someone from the group called her the 'infamous Twiggy' the other day when he finally met her. She is well loved! Sometimes she lays on my stomach and I can feel the baby pushing against her-it's going to be so funny the day that the baby gives her a good bump through the belly. I can see Twiggy jumping now! These are some classic Twiggy postions LOL Pet my belly- a frien joked that we should have a little bikini made for her since she always flips over and looks like she is laying out. The rubbing face one means please please pet me, I'm so sad looking. And then the stretching out of cuteness :) Please excuse the glowing eyes.