
September 26, 2009

Well despite our efforts, Silas is going to be delivered by scheduled c-section monday morning at 10:30am. Even though this obviously was not our first choice, we trust that God has purposed it this way and feel a peace about it. The end result is the same - we will have a son! Things are pretty prepared here for him. We do have to get our hospital supplies ready but that's easy :) Matt (Nate's brother) happens to be in town for work and will get to be at the hospital and meet Silas soon after the delivery! Silas will get to stay with us the whole time...while I'm being put back together again, Nate will have him which was our biggest concern. We'll be at the hospital for about 3 days and then come home. Nate has a week off of work and then the mommas come out right after that so I will have help :) See, God is constantly providing for us!!

At least he won't look like one of these guys:

September 22, 2009


Monday: I went to the chiropractor and he gave me an incredible painful deep tissue massage of my buttocks, hips and hip flexors- The hip flexors was the worst pain I can ever recall feeling and the others were the 2nd worst pain I can remember! I'm pretty tender from it all but hopefully it is worth it. This was done in order to relax all the ligaments and muscles relating to the uterus. This should create the best environment for the baby to go head down. Next was the moxibustion - applying heat to the outside of my pinky toes - Chinese medicine for stimulating the uterus. That's still kinda strange and we have the sticks to do it at home too. LOL Last, was the chiropractic part of it-a quick adjustment. All of this in itself could cause Silas to turn but usually is done closer to 33-36 weeks. However, in the last week the doctor has treated 3 other women. 2/3 went for an external version afterwards and successfully got the baby to flip. The 3rd had a c-section but the doctor didn't know what caused that. I'm hoping to give him a success rate of 3/4!!

Today: was an awesome day of being at home and settling in. Things are going into place nicely. I also got to have a couple girls over to just talk and they helped out as well. One just found out she is pregnant last week and the other is 8 weeks pregnant now. Which is great news! mommy buddies! Plus i really enjoyed just listening to whats going on in their live and not focusing on myself or doctors for the entire conversation. I am so thankful for everyone who has helped us out-we would never have been able to do this much without them and it has been so much more fun to have people to talk to while moving :)

Wednesday is a big day for us. We are going to see a doctor who is going to try the external version (flipping the baby). There are a few possible outcomes.
1. Baby flips, I get to come home and wait for labor to start.
2. Baby flips labor starts due to pushing on uterus.
3. Baby doesn't flip/doesn't work/one of the risks that is possible happens and all would result in a c-section.

We are praying that this works and I am able to come home to deliver the baby. It is a procedure that can be painful so I'm a little apprehensive about that part. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and for writing/texting/calling us to let us know you are thinking of us. We are so incredibly blessed with friends/family, new house and a little boy really soon (no matter how he gets here!)

Kitchen: Here is a preview...This is one room that is pretty done. All the other rooms just look so in progress that I will just wait and post more pictures later. It's coming along though and I really like our house :)

Maternity pictures: I know that most of you can see pictures form facebook but not everyone - there are a few different ones than facebook also. Hope you enjoy them :)

September 20, 2009


Ok so I am updating this really quickly without pictures because I want everyone to know what's going on. Once I find the power cord to the computer then I will take pictures and make it more fun!

Friday I had a doctors appointment. The doctor checked me and I am 2-3cm, 70% effaced and I have lost my plug- sounds good, right? Sorta! During the exam the doctor realized she was feeling a lil booty instead of a head. We went over and it was confirmed by ultrasound that Silas is head up- a breech baby. The 2 options she gave me were 1. be admitted to the hospital, get an epidural and the dr. will try to rotate Silas internally- the potential risks on this are pretty scary stuff and the chances of it working at 39 weeks is about 30%. 2. Schedule a C-section. She asked me what my decision was and I laughed and said " I'm gonna go talk to my husband first, call ya Monday"

Since then I have been researching -No, Mandy (labor coach) has been researching other options for me since we were in the middle of moving. We have found 4 options.
1. Prayer! This is important :) We are praying for him to flip and if not that we will faithfully know that God is in control of this and has the best in mind for our family.
2. There is a chiropractor in LA who specializes in pregnant woman and has an 85% success rate of turning breech babies. I will be calling his office tomorrow to see if it is possible for me to get in there and try to do something. His website is if you want to check it out
3. Finding an acupuncturist? I don't know what they are called LOL Anyways there is this method that they can use to turn babies as well- it's hilarious. It's called Moxibustion.
4. Finding a doctor who can try to rotate Silas form the outside, external cephalic version. I know of at least one person who used this and it worked- she delivered 15 years ago but still, babies and babies.

Ok and 5. I lay with my hips elevated a couple times a day to try and rotate him as well.
So tomorrow will be a telling day after I start making phone calls :)

We are in the house. We made the move thanks to some key helpers who spent the last two days sweating in our new house putting together furniture, baby stuff and the kitchen. We still have plenty to do but we are enjoying it a ton! Twiggy likes having 'her' couches form Florida and is perfectly content here too :)

That's really the latest on that stuff. Otherwise, i think Nate and I both are hoping for a tiny calm moment before Silas comes to get back into the Word and prayer more regularly. It has been an interesting couple of weeks and we both are missing spending solid time with God. Life is so much better in His presence anyways and I know that I am looking forward to just sitting down tonight and praying through some things. I hope everyone is doing great! Sorry if we are hard to get a hold of right now but we are trying to keep everyone up to date.

Thank you for praying for us and checkin in on us. We are SO incredibly blessed!!
Shalane (Nate and Silas)

September 14, 2009


We have signed all of our paperwork and now we just wait for the keys to the house! I know that we both feel a little overwhelmed when we look at the house because there is so much we can do but we are really blessed to have gotten a house so we will just take it slow on the projects :) Currently there are boxes every where in the apartment which means we run into them a lot - no serious injuries have occured though so we are still good. It will be so nice to get into the house and have a little space. We stopped by the house last night after Nate took me on a dinner date (Ah, so sweet) and we took some pictures on our swing.
Now I know this is probably pitiful to the Floridians but if you look under the swing you will notice a blob of green- oh yeah baby! That's grass! You can always click the picture to see it bigger ;)

Our friend Kyle accidently burned a homemade pizza so he gave it to Oscar and then Twiggy joined in the fun for a little bit. Lady and the Tramp style! Ooo la la!

This resulted in a massive amount of pizza dough in between Twiggy's front teeth and a dough ball just behind her front teeth. It was hilarious watching her try to get it out- of course I helped her out once I realized what was going on.

The latest belly shot at 38 weeks. Nothing had changed when I went to the doctor last week: Still 1-2 cm and 50% effaced -heading in the right direction :)We are gonna be parents within the next few weeks! I'm excited for the grandmammas to come out and visit too :)

Otherwise, I think things are fairly normal - whatever that means when you are about to move and have a baby LOL Nate is reading along in the OT for seminary and finding some crazy stories. He is really enjoying it because he remembers things from growing up but now he is getting to see the big picture, in context. It's fun to be around cause he is so excited that he has to stop and share it with me :) I am starting a biblical counseling class at the church. It should be a good class and help me learn more about how to serve others and I know I will be challenged myself.

I'll be updating soon with pictures of the house!

September 02, 2009

36 week picture and traveling daddy

We went to a seminary picnic last weekend which was at a beach about 2 hours away. Nate was drafting fantasy football players on the way there which was interesting. Suddenly I hear, "OH NO!" and this is what I see next to me. We couldn't turn around so we made a pit stop at target for a new shirt but this did make me laugh :)

Apparently when red pens explode in your hand it looks like a crime scene!

As of today Nate is in FL- which I'm sure he is loving being able to see his family right now. I know that he misses them a lot. He laughs so much when he is with them so I think it is always good for him to be home hugging on them! They are a lovable bunch those Walters :) He will be packing Thursday (9-3) and Fri (9-4) and heading out Fri with a Uhaul of stuff. our friend Mark Billman is going to make the journey with him-keep him alive, prevent major story telling potentials that involve breaking down and being arrested, ya know. Although, I'm pretty sure Mark is convinced that something will happen on this trip. The goal is to arrive here in Cali on Sunday or Monday. Please pray for their safety!!

I went to the doctor today and they did the first cervical exam. I am 1-2 cm and 50% effaced. Which is fairly normal at this point. I could stay that way for weeks or go into labor tonight-so it doesn't really tell us anything! Fortunately we trust in a great God who knows the desires of our heart and listens to His children. He knows that Nate and I want to be together when Silas enters this world....even if I go into labor I trust that the Lord purpose is much greater than mine and I will be excited.

Your prayers are always a blessing though. I wish I could describe the feeling we've felt when we hear of people we've never met praying for us. That is incredibly powerful!

I am already heading into week 37 but I figured I would go ahead and post this picture anyways.