
May 13, 2009

Who is baby Walters?!

21 week doctor visit:

I gained 8lbs this time which was more than they like to see in 1 month-about double. They aren't too concerned unless I keep gaining like that. For now it is just a growth spurt. However it is really hard to hear someone tell you watch your weight- no one wants to hear that! Hopefully I can just keep exercising and making good choices. Drum roll please dandnadnandnadnandnada

Ultrasound with helps:

BIG feet:

Face shot or what he would give us-his face was tucked into his 'pillow' (my uterus) except briefly he moved to give us this. Looks a little creepy on a still shot :)


Unknown said...

Congrats Cuz!!! I am so even more excited for ya'll =) I love you both! Take care and talk with you soon!

Joanne Ferry said...

Congratulations to both of you. I can tell you from experience (not that I have anything to compare to...yet) that boys are awesome. And think of all the sports/activities you get to do! Shalane, don't worry about the weight gain. You are just fine! Enjoy your pregnancy. Obviously for your own sake you don't want to gain 80 lbs, but I know people who have and they are their baby's were just fine!! Again, congrats from us here in FL...for now the boy house...but that will soon change! We love you!

Caroline said...

YAY! How exciting!! So you're breaking the girl trend... :) Oh, I am just thrilled for you two. And don't worry one bit about the weight... it sure doesn't show! And hey, that's one of the biggest benefits of nursing - it all comes off faster. But you look beautiful!