
May 09, 2010

March Summary

Snuggles before bedtime

We started off march with a few visitors from Florida :) Jason, Megan and Nathaniel came to visit us. Nate and Jason went down to the Masters Seminary for 3 days for the Shepherds Conference. They loved it of course! Megan and I were mainly inside with the boys because it was cold out still but we did get to do some reading and a fun project for Silas' room which you'll see. It was great to spend time with another wife to a seminary student and mommy to a boy! Nathaniel is just a few months older than Silas.

I don't have any pictures of their visit because of the next part.....:( I dropped the lap top which broke our hard drive so much so that the data is not recoverable. We had a friend from church look at it and it is a loss. This was really really hard for me 1. because I hate that I'm always the one to break things, embarrassing! 2. We had not backed up the computer since Silas was born so we lost a lot of his pictures and videos along with Nate's previous seminary work. My mom was so sweet when I called crying, she just let me be sad and tried to encourage me. I was terrified to call Nate. No one wants to say that they broke something so valuable. At first Nate seemed irritated but then my loving husband let me know that it was only an earthly possession and he loved me despite the fact that I'm clumsy.

Silas had his 6 month doctor visit. He weighed in at 20.5 lbs and was 28.5 inches tall. He is in the 96th percentile for height and 90th for weight. He also became official by getting his birth certificate lol He is growing like crazy and is a lot of fun! He started attempting to eat solid foods. He HATES baby food - he won't open his mouth after he realizes what it is so we have decided to do something called baby-led weaning. This basically involves giving him real food, whole and letting him go at it. He is getting better and better at it. He loves it if I help him eat by breaking off bites of food and giving it to him.
This link will get you to all of his watch me grow photos:
(I can't get it to link up so you'll have to copy and paste it, sorry!)

Grammy is going in to feed him his first bite


Still plenty of faces but mainly because he took too big of a bite

Quick bath to get rid of the sticky banana

Nate and I officially became Californians - WEIRD!

I decided that I like being crafty and so I've started several projects. I made the hanging name signs (with Megan's help), covered a diaper box so it looked nice for storage, painted and assembled a bird bath, started growing plants to hopefully put in a garden soon and made Nate framed art that he had liked at a store - I knew I could do it cheaper! It's been fun :)
Homemade-ish birdbath

And we got our first batch of chicks! We had some tragedies though - some just died, some drown, some almost drown and were rescued. So the statistics? We lost 13 out of 18. HORRIBLE! We couldn't figure out what was wrong with our set up. We gave them a huge box, kept it clean, blah blah blah In the end we realized that the woman who sold them to us, is a chicken murder, I mean she gave us sick chicks. She doesn't kept them in nice clean conditions so they got sick from coccidiosis. We love our 5 survivors though. They are growing really slow because of this also except one is huge. The others snuggle up next to it like it is a momma hen. It's pretty funny to watch them. We also got our second batch of chicks the first week of April and all have survived since we got them healthy :)

Swinging while we play with chicks

And we found out that Silas will have a new cousin in about 6 months. This one is not as likely to have red hair though! If you get a chance please pray for Christina and Anthony as poor Christina has been so sick. Fortunately I don't know what that is like but I have heard many times that it does make it harder to enjoy pregnancy and the end goal. Pray for her to feel better soon and if it is God's will for her to face "morning" sickness that He would help give her the right mindset through out her sufferings. We are so excited for this newest little one and that joy they will experience. Being a mom now, I am SO excited for our family and friends to experience this!

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