
March 12, 2011

It's a.....

Things have been busy as usual here in March. Nate had the Shepherd's Conference at the seminary and that was a long few weeks surrounding it. Shepherd's Conference meant he didn't get home until 10:30 or 11pm. We missed him lots! Plus he was scheduled to work a lot because they were testing at work. I was so thankful that one of the weekend tests were cancelled so that Nate could have the weekend off and catch up on rest! Sometimes it's hard to watch him not get much sleep because I can't help him in any way but this is part of being a student again. Only 5 or 6 more weeks until summer time - of course he is thinking about taking summer classes ;) We do love the school though and feel blessed that Nate is able to go to Masters. We were able to attend the Master's Seminary 25th Anniversary Dinner. It was a nice dinner at the Ronald Reagan musuem so we toured a little history (I LOVE history LOL not really but it was fun to see the Air Force 1 plane) There was a singer and JMac spoke kinda about where the seminary was heading in the future and the uniqueness of the school. I felt very proud of Nate that he was accepted to the school and excited for what God does through these men and the school. Here we are dropping Silas off with our friends, Bryan and Mandy...he did great for his first time away from mom and dad for that long.

Silas: Well he finally calls me mommy! And it such a beautiful sound! He will call for me across the house, "Mommy, Mommy!!" The other night he was with Nate on one side of the door..he would close it and laugh really loud inside then open it up and yell, "Mommy, Mommy!" "Yes buddy?" "Bu de buh do buh dee" and then close the door and start all over. So fun to see him trying to tell me that him and Daddy were having a fun time in the other room :) Other new words -up, open, egg and cracker....I have got to get egg on video LOL It takes so much effort! We are constantly amazed at how much he eats and eats...AND EATS! He still has no idea that there is a baby in my tummy but he sure likes poking my belly or belly button!
A new definition of breakfast in bed

He really likes movies now- Veggie Tales top the list and I think probably finding Nemo is right after that. We have kinda of a limited selection cause I'm too cheap to pay $20 for every movie. I found one at the consignment store and one on Ebay for a little cheaper though so that we have a little more to choose from. I think I'm going to look for Ratetouille on Ebay - he laughs at the preview so that's a good sign.

Oh how Silas loooooves his daddy - every day he checks the office for him while saying BaBA?! He even brought a book that they read together with him just in case Daddy was in there.
Daddy came home from Costco witha surprise for Silas who woke up the next morning to find his new trucks and immediately wanted to take them outside

And put his snacks inside

So much emotion in this video!

Making cookies with Mommy-although I gave all of these to the chickens cause I am cookie impaired...

Marshmallows( I made rice crispie treats to make up for my lack of cookie skills and they were delicious!) Silas liked the marshmallows :)

Patty cake or pat a cake or whatever it is

I'm kinda sad to see my time with just Silas coming to an end but I think he will enjoy having siblings - eventually :) And it will be fun to see him grow into the role of big brother. He got his first hair cut -BIG TEAR :( the sweet little curls are gone! but he is just as handsome as ever and Nate keeps reminding me that he had to have it cut some time - this is true
before with a dirty face from dinner:
What are you doing with those scissors?
See it was long on the top


Laughing at Piper

Me and Pregnancy:
Getting my craftiness on - fall wreath to spring

It's a GIRL!

I'm feeling her move much more these days which is one of the best parts. I've gained about 10-12 pounds now - the same way as last time...nothing, nothing and then 8 in one month. I was expecting my midwife to be like WHOA! that's a lot for one month as some of you will remember my OB did. I was so upset that I couldn't control my weight gain and I felt nervous every time I went to the Dr. that they would lecture me about it. Anyways, my midwife said, "That's great! 10 pounds and half way there?" That was comforting! I'm enjoying seeing the midwife for the prenatal appointments. One thing I have been working on is drinking more water. I was so sure that I would see improvements at our last appointment but I didn't :( Thankfully my midwife left some of the test urine strips with me so that I could figure out just how much I needed. I figured it out so I am trying every day to drink lots and lots. So baby girl has room to swim and turn head down so she can come out like we hope! Interestingly, I still have some morning sickness hanging around after breakfast time but it doesn't last long and usually I am at home so I can just chill until it's over. God has blessed me with great pregnancies!


I added some labels so that it becomes more clear what you are looking at but you'll need to click the picture to make it large enough to see them
My first purchase for her :)

We have her first name picked out but Nate and I are still debating over the spelling:
Cambrya or Cambria and we do not have the middle name yet

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