Ok so I am updating this really quickly without pictures because I want everyone to know what's going on. Once I find the power cord to the computer then I will take pictures and make it more fun!
Friday I had a doctors appointment. The doctor checked me and I am 2-3cm, 70% effaced and I have lost my plug- sounds good, right? Sorta! During the exam the doctor realized she was feeling a lil booty instead of a head. We went over and it was confirmed by ultrasound that Silas is head up- a breech baby. The 2 options she gave me were 1. be admitted to the hospital, get an epidural and the dr. will try to rotate Silas internally- the potential risks on this are pretty scary stuff and the chances of it working at 39 weeks is about 30%. 2. Schedule a C-section. She asked me what my decision was and I laughed and said " I'm gonna go talk to my husband first, call ya Monday"
Since then I have been researching -No, Mandy (labor coach) has been researching other options for me since we were in the middle of moving. We have found 4 options.
1. Prayer! This is important :) We are praying for him to flip and if not that we will faithfully know that God is in control of this and has the best in mind for our family.
2. There is a chiropractor in LA who specializes in pregnant woman and has an 85% success rate of turning breech babies. I will be calling his office tomorrow to see if it is possible for me to get in there and try to do something. His website is www.doctorberlin.com if you want to check it out
3. Finding an acupuncturist? I don't know what they are called LOL Anyways there is this method that they can use to turn babies as well- it's hilarious. It's called Moxibustion.
4. Finding a doctor who can try to rotate Silas form the outside, external cephalic version. I know of at least one person who used this and it worked- she delivered 15 years ago but still, babies and babies.
Ok and 5. I lay with my hips elevated a couple times a day to try and rotate him as well.
So tomorrow will be a telling day after I start making phone calls :)
We are in the house. We made the move thanks to some key helpers who spent the last two days sweating in our new house putting together furniture, baby stuff and the kitchen. We still have plenty to do but we are enjoying it a ton! Twiggy likes having 'her' couches form Florida and is perfectly content here too :)
That's really the latest on that stuff. Otherwise, i think Nate and I both are hoping for a tiny calm moment before Silas comes to get back into the Word and prayer more regularly. It has been an interesting couple of weeks and we both are missing spending solid time with God. Life is so much better in His presence anyways and I know that I am looking forward to just sitting down tonight and praying through some things. I hope everyone is doing great! Sorry if we are hard to get a hold of right now but we are trying to keep everyone up to date.
Thank you for praying for us and checkin in on us. We are SO incredibly blessed!!
Shalane (Nate and Silas)