
September 22, 2009


Monday: I went to the chiropractor and he gave me an incredible painful deep tissue massage of my buttocks, hips and hip flexors- The hip flexors was the worst pain I can ever recall feeling and the others were the 2nd worst pain I can remember! I'm pretty tender from it all but hopefully it is worth it. This was done in order to relax all the ligaments and muscles relating to the uterus. This should create the best environment for the baby to go head down. Next was the moxibustion - applying heat to the outside of my pinky toes - Chinese medicine for stimulating the uterus. That's still kinda strange and we have the sticks to do it at home too. LOL Last, was the chiropractic part of it-a quick adjustment. All of this in itself could cause Silas to turn but usually is done closer to 33-36 weeks. However, in the last week the doctor has treated 3 other women. 2/3 went for an external version afterwards and successfully got the baby to flip. The 3rd had a c-section but the doctor didn't know what caused that. I'm hoping to give him a success rate of 3/4!!

Today: was an awesome day of being at home and settling in. Things are going into place nicely. I also got to have a couple girls over to just talk and they helped out as well. One just found out she is pregnant last week and the other is 8 weeks pregnant now. Which is great news! mommy buddies! Plus i really enjoyed just listening to whats going on in their live and not focusing on myself or doctors for the entire conversation. I am so thankful for everyone who has helped us out-we would never have been able to do this much without them and it has been so much more fun to have people to talk to while moving :)

Wednesday is a big day for us. We are going to see a doctor who is going to try the external version (flipping the baby). There are a few possible outcomes.
1. Baby flips, I get to come home and wait for labor to start.
2. Baby flips labor starts due to pushing on uterus.
3. Baby doesn't flip/doesn't work/one of the risks that is possible happens and all would result in a c-section.

We are praying that this works and I am able to come home to deliver the baby. It is a procedure that can be painful so I'm a little apprehensive about that part. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and for writing/texting/calling us to let us know you are thinking of us. We are so incredibly blessed with friends/family, new house and a little boy really soon (no matter how he gets here!)

Kitchen: Here is a preview...This is one room that is pretty done. All the other rooms just look so in progress that I will just wait and post more pictures later. It's coming along though and I really like our house :)

Maternity pictures: I know that most of you can see pictures form facebook but not everyone - there are a few different ones than facebook also. Hope you enjoy them :)

1 comment:

Christina said...

hey! I love the maternity pics. i didn't even know you were getting those done. I hope the last method works for silas to flip. i will be praying for you. Can't wait till he enters this world:) Love you guys!