
August 08, 2008

Things here are going well as usual. I got a new hair cut which I'm still getting used to-it's really not very easy to deal with when working out. Nate and I have been making our own adventures, which you'll see one listed below. He likes to play me in games, I really think it's to boost his confidence cause I pretty much have no way of winning. I can't even beat him in checkers! Ok I beat him 2 outta 20 games. And chess, that's out of the question! We were able to go to Pyramid Lake yesterday and get out on the water with jetskis and boating. It was really nice :) We had some friends over for dinner last week which was fun-I got to play hostess for the first time.

Oh! This may not be nearly as exciting to some of you but my good friend Jana (she was a bridemaid in the wedding) had her baby boy this week-Caleb Matthew. Everytime someone around me has a baby I am just so amazed at the whole process. It's crazy the way God designed our bodies to change throughout pregnancy and labor and then go back to (pretty much) normal afterwards. And the babies themselves coming out healthy. It's just remarkable how helpless and innocent they are yet they grow so fast. I've been looking at pictures of my nieces and nephews and they are getting so big and learning so much. I think I'm going to end up being a mushball when I have a baby!

I went to a sub training this week which I am very thankful for! I didn't really think this whole subing thing through. They brought up the point that I may get called in to sub and there might not be lesson plans left for me....WHAT?! What will I do with these kids for a whole day without plans LOL I never even considered that because I figured teachers were like me...If I had to be out, I made sure there were plans no matter how much it hurt to get up and make them. They gave us some suggestions and a sub survival book. I also hooked up with one of my friends from church who subbed last year and she is going to help me get set up. I think I am going to be really nervous the first time I go in. I was so nervous on the first day of school and subing is like the first day everyday!

Alright, time for the softball glove adventure! So Nate and I are practicing throwing and catching in the front 'yard' lol Nate threw a crazy one and it hit the bush right next to me. I grabbed the ball and 15 wasps came zooming out...which sent me fleeing across the parking lot! We decided to go inside not too long after. Nate attempted to toss his glove up to our second floor patio but it hit the rail and fell onto our neightbors patio which is oh so cozy with the wasp infected scary bush! The following is Nate's attempt to rescue the glove from the second floor using our vacuum cleaner and random household objects. I hope you laugh but in person, it made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe to see the utensils flopping around next to the glove :)

Success came with the hangers...the video won't upload, maybe later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the hair, love the stories!! Uncle Nate, Brian is following in your footsteps, and I love it!! Sorry to say, Andrew is "Kyle", no, that is not so bad, he might make the fishing tour. He is catching shinners as we speak and saving them for "the big one" later today. Love you guys!!