
October 03, 2009

Spreading Peanutbutter One Handed

Combo of pictures from around the house and bath time:

The title says it! That's what I'm learning to do! It was probably the ugliest piece of peanut butter toast I've ever seen but I was starving, Nate was asleep and Silas was awake. Hmm, I probably should have taken a picture of that! Since getting home from the hospital I feel pretty good. I've been able to sleep much more without interruptions and in our own bed. It's really strange to look across the room at your husband and baby in 'their' bed while you lay in a separate bed! Nate has been as helpful as he can - running errands and continuing to fix things around the house plus catching up on school work - or at least trying but he loves to hold Silas and it distracts him a lot. As much as he wants to help, really the toughest part is what he can't help me with. He has been really supportive and encouraging though and I am so thankful for such a caring husband.
Pretty flowers from my Nana and Don - Nana was so upset that they didn't send blue and white flowers but I still thought these were so pretty :)

Silas is doing really good, I think - that's kinda what I feel like "I think". I think he is supposed to wake up now, I think he is supposed to be asleep, I think I should change his diaper, give him a bath, try the swing, feed him less, feed him more...and then there are the questions, what exactly does indirect sunlight mean? Why do you put a crib under the window if it is indirect? Do I put lotion on him? Can his cord get wet at all? Are pacifiers ok or will they mess up our feeding? Is this supposed to hurt like crazy when he eats? Did my milk 'come in'? Shouldn't I know the answer to the last one?! LOL And of Twiggy ok? Aw poor little Twiggs has a hard time sitting next to me now cause I always have a boppy and baby around my waist if I'm sitting.
WE figured out the bathing part last night:

Last night she decided that she was going to snuggle up with Nate all night....just like Silas was snuggled with me. Here is a picture Nate took while I was sleeping with Silas and then one I took in the morning....I didn't even know he took that picture of me!

Anyways, Silas sleeps in 2 hour intervals during the day and closer to 3 hours at night. So at night that means I get 2-2.5 hours of sleep at a time, feed him and then back to sleep. Which seems pretty good to me. Since he has been in the bed with me, he doesn't really cry at night cause I wake up right when he makes his first "I'm awake noise". For those of you concerned that I will roll over on him - don't be! I can only lay on my back comfortably with the c-section so I'm not going anywhere :)

Here is one of Silas' favorite things - our tree swing. He likes to hear the cars go by:

Oh and check out our grass now! What you think of that MATT?! OK ok so today we discovered that half of the 'grass' also has horrible stickers in it. I was in the kitchen and saw Nate walking around outside and he stopped and looked at his feet so I decided to bring him shoes. Good thing I did!! He was in the middle of stickers with them in his feet too and holding Silas! The adventure didn't stop there for Silas. Nate went over to a sprinkler head that wasn't working and started figeting with it, "Nate, you shouldn't do that with him in your arms." BAM! Sprinkler head turned into a glorious fountain! Nate and Silas both jumped and Silas let out a short cry - probably because Nate jumped and he had water on his head LOL I know I know I probably should be freaked out cause he is a newborn and I'm a first time mom but it was funny and especially since I had just warned him not to do it HA HA No picture for that but I can only wish :)

Things are going pretty well I think. I feel like I'm recovering well, my incision doesn't hurt too bad except when I have to get up out of bed. My back does get pretty sore from having to compensate for the lack of abs...Really though the hardest part is just the pain of feeding him. I know that it will get better soon because everything is lined up the way it needs to be- I just need healing powers! Everyone keeps telling me not to do too much and I don't think that I am but I do feel pretty active for just having had a major surgery. Being in the hospital for 4 days not able to do anything but sit inside drove me a little crazy though. Plus I am gonna have stuff every where if I wait for the grandmas to get here! I am SO happy they are coming - they can be my answer books and plus I just miss them. OH a person at the church organized meals for us so we have gotten some delicious food the last 2 nights and it is suppose to keep going for about 2 weeks. WOW! God provides! I'm so glad I can just focus on feeding, picking up and organizing and sleep instead of groceries and dinner! We are so incredibly blessed - I feel like I keep saying that but it's true. We have a God who loves us so much that He made it possible to have a relationship with him and THEN He goes beyond that to provide blessing upon blessing with family, friends and daily needs. Praise God for His never ending grace!

Things I've learned:
baby's skin and hair is awesome! No wonder everyone wants to kiss their cheeks! Baby's poop very audibly, and it is awesome! We laugh every time - what happens when I'm sitting in church with him? People are going to offer me Beano! Visitors will have to work around our schedule, otherwise neither one of us will ever sleep. Ice packs and lanolin are fantastic - if you don't know what that means don't ask ;)


Alyson said...

he's so precious and adorable Shalane! Enjoy every moment because he'll be a year old before you know it! Can't wait to talk to you!

Malia said... sheeps wool lol jk